My Space Your Space
Hilarious new songs about life these days- cooped up crazies and my space your space. Watch Pam’s YouTube videos here!
Hilarious new songs about life these days- cooped up crazies and my space your space. Watch Pam’s YouTube videos here!
Rascal again. I will tell you about another friend I met. I was hiding under the sofa in the TV room. Now evening had come and I was getting very hungry. But I heard Pam doing dishes in the Kitchen, so I was afraid to come out. Suddenly I heard Read more…
Rascal here! Here is more of my story. . . . After a couple days I came out of the basement because I was very hungry. I looked in the kitchen for something to eat and found peanut butter crackers. I spit them out because I didn’t like them. Then Read more…
Hey, it’s Rascal again! I want to tell you more of my story. . . . . I woke up in a bucket inside the little people’s house, in a room with pretty purple and green colors. Two heads were peeking into the bucket. I squeaked very loudly and leaped Read more…
Hi! I am Rascal and I am a chipmunk. I am Pam’s best friend. I go everywhere with Pam, whether she likes it or not! Let me tell you the story of how we met. I was born on Pam’s farm by the barn, under the tack room. My mommy Read more…